Blog 7: Changes to my career
Think about changes in the program of my career is complicated because the pandemic has made it impossible know in person the activities, type of lessons and in particulary the way to job in ICEI so it is difficult give an opinion if the program need a transformation. Well, I study journalism and this is my second year. Recently I could go to the institute and talk with my partners, know the faculty, etc. Until today I have had about six classes and believe that I already have an overview of what things could change. In the curriculum probably I would add courses about economy, politics, culture and similar topics. Right now they exist in the curriculum but I think that adding one more course on each topic we could learn a little more about those themes. I believe that the pandemic changed so much the workload in the university. Maybe for someone it is higher or lower but until this moment I think that is correct. Also the lenght of studies it goes for the same way. For someone 5 years...