
Blog 7: Changes to my career

Think about changes in the program of my career is complicated because the pandemic has made it impossible know in person the activities, type of lessons and in particulary the way to job in ICEI so it is difficult give an opinion if the program need a transformation. Well, I study journalism and this is my second year. Recently I could go to the institute and talk with my partners, know the faculty, etc. Until today I have had about six classes and believe that I already have an overview of what things could change. In the curriculum probably I would add courses about economy, politics, culture and similar topics. Right now they exist in the curriculum but I think that adding one more course on each topic we could learn a little more about those themes. I believe that the pandemic changed so much the workload in the university. Maybe for someone it is higher or lower but until this moment I think that is correct. Also the lenght of studies it goes for the same way. For someone 5 years...

The Future

 It is complicate take a decision about where go if I could travel to the future. People say that the future would be scary, but for me have the chance to know what is coming is amazing although I try to live day to day and not think much about the next years but in this case I will have to do it. So I would like to go to China in 2050 approximately. Go to China in that year would be incredible because the asiatic country currently is a place that have a very advanced technology so travel to 2050 and discover the new technologies or gadgets that the chinese invented would be amazing. I chose to travel to China 39 years into the future because it would be halfway of the 21st century and would be a good chance to see what they have created. Maybe my idea sounds crazy but for me sounds very good.  Thinking about the travel to the future to China, I believe that I would not like stay in that year because the chinese culture and other things like languaje are very complicated to ha...

My future job

 Obviusly, I want a job that have relation with the career that I studying that is journalism. The kind of job that I would like to have would be report different sports from abroad. I always imagine live in Spain or Italy for example and from there develop differents work that have relation with journalism like report, interview and transmit the sports for many countries. I think that my future job could be done in a office or in the outdoors because the journalists do different tasks in both place. For example, report and interview are done outdoors almost always but to edit that information you need an office or similar place to work with a laptop. But if I can the chance to choose, I prefer work outdoor. As I said I really want travel in my job and if  I can do it many times, much better. I need to say that I love my country and if i can not travel I would love to be able to work in Chile anyway. But currently my preference would be travel to foreign especially Europe and ...

My dog

  I will talking about my dog called Tomy. He unfortunanetly died in december of 2020. But I still want to make this blog about him.  In 2007, when I was 5 years old my family adopted Tomy. In the beggining was a very crazy dog because he was tear the clothes, disturbed people who came to our house and sometimes he did not want eat or drink water. But as time passed he changed his actions. In physical appearance the color of his hair was white and brown and their size was normal. How I said, Tomy was a crazy dog but when he grew up he became a calmer and quiet pet. Almost all the day Tomy sleep and only when my parents came home did it get out of control. Tomy was very important in my life because he brought happiness and a  different energy to my house. Since I was kid I remember that Tomy played around the house so he accompanied me almost all my chilhood. All my family loved him too much. It was very sad when he died but we knowed that in a some moment could happen.

Childhood Series

  When we were child enjoyed watching different cartoons, movies or childhood series. I think that in my childhood there were very good cartoons or series of this types. Currently these shows are not very entertaining. It should also be said that many of the cartoons were broadcast for nationals channels like TVN or 13 while now almost all the contents is on the Cable Tv. I watched many cartoons when I was kid. The Simpsons, Futurama, Beyblade and Inspector Gadget in a reversion was some of the tv shows that I saw. I always remember that The Simpsons and Futurama I was not understand them. But my favorite cartoons was Beyblade. I loved it. The stories were very entertained and mainly I saw that series because I liked the toys that the characters used. I watched this cartoons before to going to school. Actually I follow watch The Simpsons and Futurama but Beyblade for example is out of the Tv. Obviously through the years I changed my likes. Today my preferences are Netflix series or...

Crush Power Music 2019

 I choose to talk about my favorite concert that I gone. This concert is call Crush Power Music and its celebrate for some years ago. I went in 2019 and it was held in the Parque Padre Hurtado. The artists who sang in the concert are of different styles of music like Manuel Turizo or Nacho that represented a urban genre and Villa Cariño or Guachupé that represented cumbia. All the artists has a group of people that play different instruments in live like guitar, drums and ukelele for example.This made that the people at the concert was very motivated. The atmosphere in the concert was very entertained and everyone was enjoying. I really enjoyed the concert because one of my favorite artists, Manuel Turizo, participated it. Also in the park was many different games or foodtrucks so the people could enjoy beyond the concert. A memory of the concert is that the day of the event was really hot so we had to put on a lot of sunblock and constantly consume liquid.

Blog 1: Spain

 Hello, classmates. A country that I would like to go is Spain because have a very beautiful places to visit like Puerta del Sol in Madrid or its coastal edge with the Canary Islands for example, etc. I know about Spain that is a country that is recognized by its old architecture  and also have a nice weather to visit in summer specially. Also, they have a very nice stadiums like the Camp Nou or Santiago Bernabéu that I would like to visit because I fan of soccer. Mainly, I would like to visit all the touristic places. Go out at the nigh to enjoy the parties and particulary go to beaches that Spain has because I like too much swim and obviously the landscapes are beautiful. I would love to go to study in Spain because I like the country and they have courses related to sports journalism that is the area that I want specialized. If the opportunitie to work and live there appear maybe I would take but that decision is more difficult.